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Laughing in the Face of Fear- A Jaw Dropping Experience

“To fear is one thing. To let fear grab you by the tail and swing you around is another.” ~Katherine Paterson, Jacob Have I Loved I eat stress as a late night snack. Grinding my teeth has been an issue for me since I was very young. I used to grind my teeth so loud […]

I have a round belly. At the age of (almost) 42 and the mother of three children, one would expect roundness to my belly but my belly has ALWAYS been round. Even as a skinny ten year old. Like most people, I have struggled to accept the roundness of certain parts of my body. I […]

I love kicking ass. Cardio kickboxing and high impact aerobics had been my choice of exercise for most of my life. I love the punching, advice the kicking and the sweating. I crave the blood pumping through my body to the beat of the music that is pumping in my ears. I seek the self-confidence […]
Image vs. Self-Image/I AmThat

I am the girl driving the big blue van. I am the girl making hemp jewelry; I am the glassblower; I am the mother, the wife, daughter, sister, friend, and yoga teacher. The roles change as we move through our lives and, as we meet others, and we play these roles and that will be […]
Protecting My “Yeses”

People consider me to be an adventurous person. And, that is true! I live life to the fullest and I look forward to experience all that I can in this lifetime. That enthusiasm for life has led me to say yes to a lot of the ideas that have popped into my head, whether they […]